

ARTICLE I:  Name And Purpose

The name of this organization shall be the “MACRHL”.  MACRHL is established as a non-profit, recreational hockey league for women who want to play hockey in a stress-free, relaxed, and friendly environment.  The purpose of MACRHL is to promote and stimulate interest in hockey for the morale, welfare and benefit of its members and the community.

ARTICLE II: Membership and Dues

  • Section 1. Eligibility. Membership in MACRHL is open to any woman eighteen (18) years of age or older who agrees to comply with the Bylaws, has paid current session fees, has no outstanding financial obligations to MACRHL, has not been expelled from MACRHL in the past, and has an active membership with USA Hockey.
  • Section 2. Session fees. Session fees shall be paid prior to the start of each 15-week session, unless a payment extension has been arranged with the Treasurer.  Session fees shall be established by the Board of Directors on a yearly basis considering MACRHL’s financial status and estimated financial requirements for the year. The Board of Directors have the power to waive fees, as circumstances may indicate, for specific individual members.
  • Section 3. Censure and Expulsion. An individual’s membership can be revoked for cause by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for any offense deemed sufficient. The member must be notified in advance by an Officer and afforded an opportunity to refute any charges. Termination of membership does not entitle individuals to a refund of session fees.

ARTICLE III: Board of Directors, Voting, and Elections

MACRHL’s Board of Directors will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Officer-at-Large.

  • Section 1. Officer Roles.
    • The President shall preside at all meetings of MACRHL.
    • The Vice President shall serve as a special assistant to the President and, in the absence of the President or at his request, perform the duties of the President.
    • The Secretary shall take and transcribe minutes of all MACRHL meetings.
    • The Treasurer shall develop an annual budget for approval by Officers. The Treasurer shall authorize disbursements within MACRHL’s budget authorization to be paid by check. The Treasurer is the custodian of MACRHL funds and shall keep records in such a manner that will ensure adequate accountability.
    • The Officer-at-Large shall serve as a full voting member on the Board of Directors and such other duties as may be assigned, from time to time, by the Board or President of the Board.
  • Section 2.  Quorum.  A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.  If less than a quorum is present, the meeting shall be held and business conducted as if a quorum were present. However, no decisions shall be binding until approved by a majority of the Board of Directors through an electronic vote.
  • Section 3. Electronic Voting. Votes on Board of Directors business of an immediate nature may be conducted via the Internet or other electronic means. Electronic ballots may be initiated only by the President, or by the Vice President acting in absence of the President. Results shall be recorded by the Secretary for review and incorporation into the minutes of the previous or next Board meeting.
  • Section 4. Election of Officers. The Board of Directors shall recruit and elect Board Officers as needed throughout the year.  The Board shall assess the need to expand or contract to best meet MACRHL’s projected requirements.  When an Officer position is projected to be open, the Board of Directors will send an open call to all current MACRHL Members to identify willing volunteers for the position.  Those willing to serve will be placed on a ballot and an election will be held at the next Board of Director’s meeting.  Departing Board members are expected to provide adequate assistance and turn-over to their successors.
  • Section 5.  Term of Officers.  Officers shall serve three-year terms that can be renewed by the Board of Directors.
  • Section 6. Removal.  A Board member who misses three consecutive Board meetings or who does not fulfill his/her responsibilities on the Board may, at the discretion of the President and the concurrence of a majority of the Board, be removed from the Board. No such action may be taken without at least a ten-day notification stating the reason for such action and providing an opportunity for the Board member to address the charges in a Board meeting. Final vote shall be by written ballot.


  • Section 1. Budget. The Treasurer shall propose an annual operating budget for review and approval by the Council before the start of each fiscal year. The budget shall provide for the payment of operating expenses, the conduct of activities consistent with the purpose of MACRHL, and the procurement of services, equipment, and facilities for the benefit of the membership. Changes in a current budget may be authorized by the Board.
  • Section 2. Income and Deposits. The activities of MACRHL shall be maintained by income derived from session fees paid by the membership. All revenues shall be deposited directly into MACRHL’s bank account.
  • Section 3. Expenditures. Disbursement of MACRHL funds shall be made by check drawn by the Treasurer. Check signature authority shall also be vested in at least one alternate approved by the Board. Proposed expenditures that are not within the approved annual operating budget must be approved by a majority vote of the Board.
  • Section 4. Use of Assets. MACRHL funds or property may not be used in a manner contrary to federal, state, or local law.
  • Section 5. Proprietary Interest. Individuals and other organizations shall have no proprietary interest in MACRHL funds. Temporary reserves generated by Club activities shall not accrue to any individual or organization.
  • Section 6. Risk. Board members shall ensure that Club funds are not placed at risk, and shall apprise the Board of any significant deviations from approved activities.
  • Section 7. Audit. MACRHL financial records shall be audited periodically as determined by the Board. At a minimum, an audit shall be conducted upon change of treasurers.
  • Section 8. Annual Report. Information on the status of MACRHL finances shall be prepared annually. This information shall be made available for inspection by Board members upon request.

ARTICLE VIII: Dissolution

  • Section 1. General. MACRHL shall not be dissolved except upon written ballot of two-thirds of the Board.
  • Section 2. Disposition of Assets. In the event of dissolution, remaining MACRHL assets shall be donated to other non-profit organizations at the direction of the Board. No MACRHL assets may be distributed to, or used for the benefit of, any MACRHL member or group of members.

Approved by MACRHL Board of Directors on September 1, 2011